Congratulations on your positive pregnancy test!
First of all, now is the time to share your news with your OB-GYN. We typically transition your care to your OB-GYN by 10 weeks. If you do not have an OB-GYN, please research and choose one to ensure a smooth transition of your pregnancy care when the time comes.
CARE Fertility is excited to help you have a successful experience in the coming months, so here are some of the "do’s and don'ts" in early pregnancy.
Please continue to take your prenatal vitamins daily. Some patients find it beneficial to take their prenatal vitamins just prior to going to bed to minimize nausea.
You may safely continue to take tub baths or showers in the first trimester of pregnancy. Please avoid hot water temperatures in the first trimester.
Regular daily exercise is important, so you may generally continue any exercise program you were in prior to pregnancy as long as your heart rate is 140 or less. Walking is one of the best forms of exercise.
You may safely continue to have sexual relations during pregnancy unless you are having complications such as bleeding.
Routine dental care is generally safe, but have your dentist contact your OB-GYN if there are questions regarding the safety of a specific procedure or antibiotics.
If you are taking any prescription medications, please notify your prescribing physician that you are pregnant and verify that you are on the safest medication for your health problem(s).
Pelvic ultrasound may be safely done during the first trimester of pregnancy. Generally your first pregnancy sonogram is scheduled with CARE Fertility at about 6.5 weeks of pregnancy. A second ultrasound is typically scheduled three weeks after the initial sonogram.
Talk with your OB-GYN about prenatal testing that can be done to assess your baby’s health in early pregnancy such as cell free fetal DNA. These tests are typically done after 10 weeks of pregnancy.
If you smoke or vape, stop immediately. Even small exposures to nicotine can have harmful effects on the developing fetus. Vaping is not healthier than smoking.
You should also avoid alcohol. Even a very small amount of alcohol may harm the developing fetus.
Caffeine should be limited in pregnancy. Don’t consume more than one cup of coffee (or equivalent drink) daily.
Douching is not recommended at any time during pregnancy.
Commonly asked topics in early pregnancy

Some symptoms and problems are common during pregnancy but a few may need attention.
Pinkish or dark brown spotting or bleeding is common and typically does not have negative connotations for the pregnancy.
Bright red bleeding is more concerning and may indicate a threatened miscarriage. Please contact our office if this occurs. If the bleeding occurs in the evening or on the weekend, we recommend pelvic and bed rest until we are able to evaluate.
Severe hemorrhage may be caused by a miscarriage on rare occasions. Should you experience excessive bleeding, please go to the nearest emergency room.
Constipation is a very common occurrence, due to the pregnancy itself and the additional vitamins and iron you are taking. The easiest way to manage constipation is to increase your intake of foods that have a lot of fiber. If needed, you may take a variety of over-the-counter stool softeners or bulk-forming agents such as Surfak, Senekot, Fibercon or Metamucil. Milk of magnesia can be used if stool softeners are ineffective.
Hemorrhoids may become a problem with pregnancy. Avoiding constipation will certainly help in preventing hemorrhoids. However, if they do become a problem, soaking in a tub and using topical agents such as Preparation H or Anusol may be helpful.
Nausea with or without vomiting is a common complaint in early pregnancy. Frequent small meals, as well as crackers, dry cereal or dry toast eaten between meals and at bedtime may be helpful. It is also very important to maintain your fluid intake. If your nausea and vomiting is not improved by these simple measures, please contact us or your OB/Gyn's office.
Headaches are also common in pregnancy, and may be relieved with Tylenol or Extra-Strength Tylenol.Generally aspirin and NSAIDs (such as ibuprofen)are not recommended. If your headache persists, please contact your OB/Gyn or PCP.
Indigestion is common. It is safe to take Maalox, Mylanta or Tums. Other GI complaints such as gas or diarrhea may be safely treated during pregnancy. Mylicon 80 may be used for gas and Imodium for diarrhea.
Cold symptoms in pregnancy should be treated with increased hydration, rest and Tylenol. Chloraseptic Spray or lozenges such as Cepacol throat lozenges may be taken for a sore throat. Robitussin may be taken for a cough.
Have questions?
We’re here to help. Give us a call at 817-540-1157 or use the contact form to get in touch.