How to cope with infertility: Advice from the doctors of CARE Fertility
For couples experiencing infertility, the journey to building a family can be emotionally difficult and exhausting. The wide range of emotions that come with navigating infertility can make anyone feel as though they’re on their own personal rollercoaster.
The entire team at CARE Fertility knows what you’re going through, and we are here to remind you that not only is infertility not your fault, but it’s not something you need to endure alone.
Dr. Anna Nackley
After decades in their fields, our doctors have many words of wisdom, advice encouragement to share on how to cope with infertility.
Here’s their best advice for couples experiencing infertility:
1. Don’t give up hope.
“Don't be afraid if at first, it doesn't succeed,” says Dr. Kevin Doody. “We see many patients who we know we are going to be able to get pregnant, but the emotional rollercoaster can really be a problem for them. They can burn out. They can stop wanting to proceed with treatments even though we think it can be effective. So don't take one failure to get pregnant and one treatment to mean that there's no hope.”
“For couples that are faced with infertility who are currently going through treatment, I tell them to never give up hope and just make sure that they support each other through this long and sometimes arduous process,” offers Dr. Anna Nackley. “The wait is always worth it in the end.”
“Realize that you’re not alone,” says Dr. Robin Thomas. “There are tons of other patients that are struggling with infertility, and although no two patients' stories are exactly the same, it's important for patients to realize that there is hope.”
2. Educate yourself, and don’t be afraid to ask lots of questions.
“Try to lean into each other, and above all, read, read, read,” says Dr. Kathy Doody. “Ask questions, and if at first the answer doesn't seem quite like what you understand, or you've got more questions, come back and ask more.
Dr. Kathy Doody
“I think that information is power and the more patients know and understand, the easier it is for them to make a decision about their fertility journey that's right for them. Every couple’s decision-making process is different, and it's important to make the decision that you feel comfortable with.
“Something I've said to patients before is that I hope that five years down the line when they look back and reflect on their journey with us, they say, ‘You know, I did the things that I felt comfortable with. I made decisions. I understood the process. I'm okay.’"
3. Don’t wait to come in for an evaluation.
“I've heard a lot of patients say that they wish they had come in sooner and I think that's my biggest piece of advice,” says Dr. Robin Thomas.
Dr. Robin Thomas
“Don’t wait to come in and have an evaluation done. It doesn't necessarily mean that you're going to have fertility treatment or even need it, but at least just get an evaluation and see what your options are.”
The team at CARE Fertility is here to help.
If you’re ready to take the first step and make an appointment for an evaluation, give us a call at 817-540-1157.